Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Highest Power

Our highest power is love, and it is one thing each of us has an unlimited amount of. How much love do you give to others in one day? Each day we have an opportunity to set out with this great, unlimited power in our possession, and pour it over every person and circumstance.
Love is appreciating, complimenting, feeling gratitude, and speaking good words to others.
We have so much love to give, and the more that we give, the more we receive.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

My thoughts on this lovely topic:

I think 'Love' might not be the precise word to describe this, or, maybe it's just one of the words- but then, I can't think of any other word, too...like, say, affection, friendliness,happiness, smiles, cheer,joy......each one reminds me of positivity...and, that's what life should be all about, rather than spending this short life span cribbing, arguing, fighting, right? :)Have a nice day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


From The Secret Daily Teachings

Every day, or at the very least once or twice a week, take a few minutes and focus on seeing yourself in joy. Feel yourself in joy. Imagine only joy ahead in your life and see yourself basking in it. As you do this the Universe will move all people, circumstances, and events to bring you that joy. You can't be in joy if you have money worries, or health worries, or relationship problems with friends or family. So deposit some joy in the bank of the Universe as often as you can. There isn't an investment that is more worthwhile.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret and The Power... bringing joy to billions

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hi,all! Readers of my other blog know- I'm in Baroda since Diwali day. Two days of vacations to go.:)Hence, been a mite tied up- but, there's a nice collection of quotes and inspirations that I've been reading. And, here's one of them:

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity;  it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.
~William Faulkner